Peter Davies is a senior physiotherapist who has been using this approach successfully in his own practise for many years. Given that we all have to sit down a lot nowadays, we can all benefit from sitting smartly. The detailed photographs and instructions show you how to care for your spine to relieve or prevent back pain, using the latest evidence-base and incorporating mindful movements and unique ‘body maps’ to pinpoint trouble spots and to teach you to make automatic adjustments to your position, so that sitting becomes as comfortable for your back as standing and walking. It can be used alone or with a trained therapist, and often changes sitting habits in as little as two weeks. Unlike conventional anatomical approaches, it targets your movements, awareness, and ability to visualise and retrain (re-wire) your brain, thus empowering to you take control and achieve long-term benefits for your back and your overall health and well-being.​
ISBN 978-1909675087 | 120 pages | Paperback | Illustrated in full colour