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Kevin lives in the Scottish Borders with Stage IV melanoma. He wants to help people who have also been told they have cancer, whether curable or incurable , to know they are not alone, that others understand the challenges they are facing. This book presents 29 stories of cancer - of all types - and affecting people of different ages, backgrounds, life styles, family situations, work settings, and prognoses. What unites them all is that initial diagnosis - and the ability to find hope in the darkest of situations ... Read more

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WARNING: Over 18s only. This book contains explicit clinical photographs of casualties of war.
The perfect tool for the humanitarian surgeon. The Authors combine their vast surgical experience across general, vascular, cardiothoracic, orthopaedic, maxillofacial and neurosurgery, to create a practical and unique decision-making tool for use with acute casualties with war wounds. It also covers burns management and bone holding ... Read more
Professor Stewart Forsyth OBE

Three books on the critical issue of global infant nutrition, and the millions of children under 5 who die each year or suffer the consequences of malnutrition and wasting. Receiving optimum early-life nutrition to support development and health is a minefield - and not just because of the breastmilk vs formula debate. The books investigate how top-level inefficiencies, at policy level, do little to resolve the situation ... Read more Note: The two "Politics of Infant Feeding" books are not yet published.
Professor Robert Tattersall OBE
Edited by Colin Martin, Mick Fleming, Hugh Smith and Amanda McGrandles
Three books for educationalists, psychologists, mental health clinicians and policy-makers mental health on the endless crisis in our schools and colleges. They bridge a previously wide gap between educational and healthcare persepectives through collaboration and viewing the same problems through different languages, in an attempt to foster a unifying framework for exploring the complex dynamic between learners, their teachers, and the education and healthcare systems. ... Read more
Dr Kalanit Ben-Ari
This is a practical, realistic and relevantbook, crammed full of easy and effective tips – using just one a day will make a difference. It is perfect for BUSY modern families who face more challenges than ever as they try to balance their working, family, school and social lives. Although the advice and tips are simple, everything in this book is based on sound evidence and theory - we've just left out the long-winded paragraphs ... Read more
Patrick Mitchell (Editor) et al.
This course, printed in A4 format, was produced for the NHS for educating clinicians in all disciplines and healthcare organisations on what to be aware of to improve patient safety in hospitals. It considers the psychological factors in health settings that influence communication and task performance, the reasons for human errors that can result in patient injury or death ... Read more
Jane E.B. Hunter
The author's real-life stories of her patients - both two-legged and four-legged - are an absorbing, interesting and fun read for everyone. They are also educational and informative for anyone in the veterinary and medical fields ... Read more
Peter Davies
Mike McInnes and artwork by Matt Kenyon with Foreword by Irving Welsh
Did prehistoric humans play football? Did they first stand upright in order to play football? Ludicrous though that may sound, there is plenty of (almost) convincing evidence for this - and where there is not evidence, there is science faction! From the truly creative mind of a scientist and lifelong football fan, this is a subtle blend of fact and fiction that romps through the "ologies". Irving Welsh, who wrote the Foreword, found the concept to be bonkers ... Read more
The Four Friends Series (for little ones on how to find comfort in friends)
Stories by David Brian Johnson and artwork by Deirdre Malcolm | Paperbacks | 32 pages
Tayley's Nest and Brave Donnie available now. Popp and Gully to follow in 2025.
The Ellie Adventures Series (transition books from pictures to chapters)
Stories and artwork by Jonathan Liddell | Hardcovers | 70 pages

Join young Ellie in the first book of the series You Have All You Need. Set on the fictional island of Descendora, Ellie lives with her Uncle Dutch and a few furry and feathered friends. When Ellie’s recent troubles threaten to crush her, self-doubt and heightened emotions overcome her, she does something she regrets. But she soon learns ...
For publication in 2025

Our current focus is on some new challenges in society that impact on personal health. For adults, there is an academic text on the use of alcohol by pregnant women and new mothers; and a universally helpful book about the lived experience of different types of grief, to aid understanding and coping. For children (and their parents), we have a book on common fears in the modern world, including the growing bug-bear of Lyme disease, and Kiki's Identity deals with an increasingly importance societal issue - how to preserve the cultural identity of a child adopted by parents from another culture.