A4 Ring Binder | Full colour | 324 pages
PRICE £39.99 plus p&p
This book is for all surgeons responsible for casualties of war, for humanitarian surgeons considering or preparing for work in conflict zones - the perfect tool for the humanitarian surgeon's side.
The Authors combine their vast surgical experience (spanning general, cardiothoracic, vascular, orthopaedic, maxillofacial, plastic surgery and neurosurgery) to create a practical and unique decision-making tool for acute casualties with war wounds - from gaining access to 'vital' structures and initial surgical actions, to wound closure, burns management and bone holding - with the primary aim of optimising the stabilisation of casualties, preventing infections and maximising future functionality.
The content of this book aligns with the hands-on surgical training courses delivered by the Authors (e.g. by the David Nott Foundation). The book contains hundreds of authentic clinical photographs taken by the Authors in the field, plus numerous surgeon-drawn diagrams designed to clarify and align perfectly with the text. Each section in the book is colour-coded to aid navigability, and most topics covered on double-pages spreads that can be laid flat so that all relevant information is clearly visible at a glance. There is also a full Index.

Pete was a Consultant Neurosurgeon in Adelaide in Australia and Dundee in Scotland before taking the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H) in 1999. He trained as a trauma surgeon in South Africa and subsequently embarked on a career working in conflict areas first as a military surgeon in the Royal Air Force (RAF), for ten years, then as a humanitarian surgeon with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). His humanitarian work continues, and between his missions he teaches anatomy at Dundee University. Before the Covid-19 pandemic he regularly worked for part of the year in Alice Springs Hospital in Australia.
David is a Consultant General and Vascular Surgeon, and Professor of Humanitarian Surgery at Imperial College in London. For the past thirty years he has worked in conflict areas as a military and humanit- arian surgeon with the Royal Air Force (RAF), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). In 2015 he co-founded the David Nott Foundation, which promotes the teaching of surgical skills to local doctors working in areas affected by conflict and natural disasters. He also founded the Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) course, and is the author of a best-selling memoir War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line (Picador, 2019).